Just Saw 007 Skyfall, It's a Great Film!

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Abgeschickt von Smithaml5 am 25 Dezember, 2012 um 21:06:33

Antwort auf: SpeddifidoHog elizabeth browning von Chiddisse gatling gun of the civil war am 03 August, 2008 um 06:46:02:

Sam Mendes brings Bond surging back with a smart, sexy, riveting action thriller that qualifies as one of the best 007 films to date. Any different opinions?
And this is one fo the the funny quote:

Doctor Hall: I'm going to say a word, and I want you to say the first word that comes into your head. For example, if I say, 'day', you say...?
James Bond: Wasted.
Doctor Hall: Agent?
James Bond: Provocateur.
Doctor Hall: Woman?
James Bond: Provocatrix.
Doctor Hall: M?
M: Bitch.

LOL~ ^ ^


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