Abgeschickt von cashonline am 05 Mai, 2010 um 09:44:39
Antwort auf: SpeddifidoHog elizabeth browning von Chiddisse gatling gun of the civil war am 03 August, 2008 um 06:46:02:
Hi everyone
The name's Dennis, though most people call me 'Freaky'. :P I'm in my "teens" and kinda lost in the world at the moment...however, I've found the hippie "culture" and discovered that it fits me very well...I'm not trying to fit into it, it just kind of fitted onto me.
I have lots of questions, which hopefully some of the older and wiser people on this board will be able to help answer.
Here's to hoping this board will be able to help me discover more of myself and fuel my beliefs.
so how is everyone doing?? :)